Critical Analysis on Learning Experiences

This semester, we have a module named as ICT in Teaching and Learning (EDN419) taught by Mr.Thinley Wangchuk. The module started with a module introduction where we were briefed about the module and the mode of assessments of this module. In this module, various interesting topics based on ICT such as Importance of using ICT, The Teaching and Learning Environment, Active learning, Digital native and Immigrants and Different learning styles were being taught. We even learned how to create blog and how to upload various things such as images, videos, links, Power Point in the blog and I personally found it interesting.

In one of the EDN419 period. We even learned about computers as a communicative tools. In this very topic, I learned that communicative tools are the applications which enable easy communication between the teacher and the students and also amongst the students. I learned that tools such as Gmail, Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, Chat, Facebook and Zoom which we use in our day to day life are all examples of communicative tools. We were always divided into groups and made us discuss on the assigned communicative tools through VLE forum discussion. I found that such group activity helping in building co-operations among the group members and helps to learn from each other. 

In this very topic, I came to know that there are two types of communicative tools that is Synchronous/real time and Asynchronous. I learned that Synchronous/real time is the one in which users must be simultaneously connected. Synchronous communicative tool enables real-time communication and helps solving urgent problems. Examples can be audio chat, telephone call and video conferencing. Asynchronous is the one in which it does not require people communicating to be logged on the internet at the same time. It is appropriate for activities that require more time in thinking before responding. Examples can be E-mail, VLE discussion forum, Telegram, Messenger, WhatsApp.

In this particular topic, I have even learned some of the demerits of synchronous communication such as multiple threads of discussion are difficult to follow, slow connection distracts and fails to keep abreast of internet, and difficult to make quick comments by slow computer users. Some of the demerits of asynchronous communication was being taught such as discussion boards fail to maintain the internet, checking the discussion board for posts is an additional work and asynchronous nature discourages learner’s participation.

Overall, I find ICT in Teaching and Learning (EDN419) an interesting module as it consists of both theoretical as well as practical learning.


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